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Why we should welcome new regulations

Focus on Major Gift Strategies

With new fundraising regulations on the way, Andrew Day explains why there’s never been a better time to focus on what breathes life into successful major gift strategies.

Gifted Fundraising Consultancy - BSR

Client news

The British School at Rome

Leave a legacy and make history in Rome.

Rotherham Minster


Keeping places of worship where they belong

New approach to supporting worship places

At the beginning of April, the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), announced its new approach to supporting places of worship


Could you be a Gifted Campaign Manager?

Innovative Fundraising For Remarkable Clients

Gifted Philanthropy creates innovative and successful fundraising programmes for remarkable clients across the third sector.  

Air Ambulance Taking off

Client news

The Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance Trust

Air Ambulance Saves Lives

Every day the Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance Trust’s helicopters set off on life-saving missions across the three counties

Prospect Research - Gifted Fundraising Consultants


Is your School's fundraising feeling stretched and challenged?

National funding formula for schools closed

When the government closed its stage 2 consultation on the new national funding formula for schools last month

Gifted Fundraising Consultancy - Angel of the North


It's grim up North...only if you say so

Fundraising Myths Debunked

Fundraising, like the North, has its fair share of myths. Put the two together and you might expect gloomy skies from Blackpool to Bradford.

Gifted Fundraising Consultancy - Dippy

Client news

Dippy on Tour North West

Rochdale Bid Puts It On Map

In the North of England there’s a definite buzz about a bid that’s set to put the town of Rochdale firmly on the Natural History map.

Warwick Independant School

Client news

Warwick Independent Schools Foundation

Warwick Independent Schools Foundation Announces Project Plans

In September, last year, the Warwick Independent Schools Foundation announced its exciting plans for Project One Campus

Prospect Research - Gifted Fundraising Consultants


Why engage a fundraising consultancy?

Developing Fundraising Resources

Whether you’re an established charity with a solid fundraising team or a not-for-profit looking to develop your fundraising resources, at some point the question will raise its head – should we hire a consultancy?

Gifted Fundraising Consultancy - All Saints

Client news

Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Historic Churches Trust

Restoring and revitalising historic church buildings in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire

Cricket wickets

Client news

The MCC Foundation

MCC Mission: The Finest Cricket Club In The World

Owner of cricket’s most iconic stadium, Lord’s, and the custodian of the game’s Laws, the Marylebone Cricket Club’s mission is to be “the finest cricket club in the world, working for the good of the game”.


Gifted Fundraising Consultancy - Archives

Client news

The National Archives

National Archives Major Capital Campaign

The National Archives, the primary guardian of our nation’s heritage, has submitted its exciting and ambitious Heritage Lottery Fund application and is now planning for a major capital campaign.

Gifted Fundraising Consultancy - Archive books

Client news

The National Archives

The National Archives is the guardian of some of our greatest heritage treasures and a world leader in the preservation and conservation of archive material.

Gifted Fundraising Consultancy - HLF potential


Maximising your HLF potential

Heritage Lottery Fund Grants

A grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund can herald a very bright future for many not-for profit organisations.

Legacy Programmes - Gifted Fundraising Consultancy


Creating a transformational legacy programme

Legacy Giving Is An Everlasting Reminder Of Commitment

Leaving a legacy is so much more than making a gift – it is an everlasting reminder of your commitment to a cause which is close to your heart.

Gifted Fundraising Consultancy - Peterborough Cathedral

Client news

Peterborough Cathedral

Peterborough Cathedral Consultancy Work

Our Directors have worked with Peterborough Cathedral on a consultancy basis for a number of years - from the inception of the ‘Peterborough 900 Campaign’ to its delivery and the associated Heritage Lottery Fund projects.

lab technicians

Client news

Engineering Development Trust

EDT Is The Largest Provider Of STEM Activities

EDT, a registered charity, is the largest provider of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) enrichment activities for young people in the UK.

Gifted Fundraising Consultancy - Andrew Day


Gifted Workshops

Gifted Hosts Workshops Across The UK

We’ve had a busy summer here at Gifted, hosting workshops across the UK.

Gifted Fundraising Consultancy - EU Funding


Managing your EU funding expectations post BREXIT

Impact Of Brexit On Charities

Following the referendum in June, a number of charities have been seeking our counsel regarding the impact of the decision to leave the EU.

St Marys

Client news

St Mary's Calne

Working With St Mary's Calne

We're delighted to be working with St Mary's Calne, a boarding and day school for girls based in Wiltshire


Client news

Uttoxeter Heritage Trust

Redfern's Cottage In Uttoxeter

Our client, Uttoxeter Heritage Trust, is custodian of the wonderful Redfern’s Cottage...

Gifted Fundraising Consultants - Air Ambulance Photo

Client news

Warwickshire & Northamptonshire Air Ambulance

Working With Warwickshire & Northamptonshire Air Ambulance

We’re delighted to be working with the Warwickshire and Northamptonshire Air Ambulance...

Voting slip


Fundraising in uncertain times

EU Referendum Impact On Fundraising Discussed

Over the years we’ve heard a thousand good excuses for not fundraising, but none more often or more powerfully put than the possible negative impact of the EU referendum.