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Winter Webinar 1 | Recovery and Resilience

Register For Free Winter Webinars

There's still time to register for the first of our free winter webinar sessions.


Have your Say | Fundraising landscape 2020

COVID-19 Impact On Third Sector

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a substantial impact on the Third Sector


Winter Webinars | Register now

Following on from our series of summer webinars, you can now register for any of our free winter webinar sessions.

Client news

Lancaster Royal Grammar School

Lancaster Royal Grammar School History

Formally endowed in 1472 by John Gardyner, the history of Lancaster Royal Grammar School dates back to the 13th century.


Time for a fundraising health check?

COVID-19 Challenges For Third Sector

The ongoing issues around COVID-19 have brought myriad challenges for Third Sector charities.

Client news

Camphill Milton Keynes Communities

Camphill Milton Keynes For Special Needs

Founded in 1981, Camphill Milton Keynes is a place where people with special needs

Client news

The Kennel Club Charitable Trust

Trust's Christmas Campaign For Dogs & People

Keeping tails wagging.

Client news

Society of Chemical Industry (SCI)

Accelerating Innovation, Research, & Education


Adapting to a different fundraising landscape

Third Sector Subject To Subtle Shifts

Whilst the Third Sector has always been subject to subtle shifts and even the odd seismic shock


Webinar 5 | Planning your Christmas Appeal

Planning Your Christmas Appeal - Free Webinar

That’s right…we’re planning for Christmas already!


Keeping our heads together | IDPE Live

Invited To Take Part In IDPE Live

We were delighted to be invited to take part in IDPE Live, with Director, Chris Goldie.


Webinar 4 | Why your Communications Strategy is more important than ever

Charities Need Agility & Flexibility

Over the past few months, we've been keen to encourage charities to remain agile and flexible as they adapt to fundraising in a changed climate.


National Lottery Heritage Fund – Update

NHLF Not Accepting New Applications

The NLHF is not accepting any new applications for funding until October 2020 at the very earliest.


Are you getting the most out of online giving?

Safe, Convenient, & Flexible Giving

No matter what size you are, making sure that givers have a safe, convenient and flexible way to support your organisation is key to building long-term sustainability.

Client news

Peterborough Cathedral

Peterborough Cathedral: Norman Church Treasure

Peterborough Cathedral is one of the greatest Norman churches in England, a national treasure and a monument of international significance.

Client news

Dublin Bay Biosphere

Dublin City Council Prepares World-Class Discovery Center Test

Despite lockdown, Dublin City Council is preparing to test its vision for a world-class Discovery Centre at the UNESCO recognised Dublin Bay Biosphere.


What can fundraisers do to let the light in?

Generosity & Kindness Pierce Through The Gloom

As we all adjust to new ways of living and working, many of us are witnessing how generosity and kindness have the power to pierce through the gloom.


Webinar 3 | Designing a transformational legacy programme

Third Webinar Focused On Legacy Giving

Thanks to the feedback from participants in our first two webinars, we’re offering a third session, this time focused on Legacy Giving.


There's still time to register...

Capital Campaign Webinar

Webinar 2 | Delivering a Capital Campaign


May 2020 Webinars

Planning A Major Project Or Campaign?

Are you planning a major project or currently in the midst of a capital campaign?


Insights 3 | Advice for Health and Welfare organisations

Gifted Insights For Health/Welfare Fundraisers

Chief Executive, Amy Stevens offers some Gifted Insights for fundraisers in the Health and Welfare sector.


Insights 2 | Advice for Sports and Recreation organisations

Gifted Insights For Sports Fundraisers

Director, Chris Goldie offers some Gifted Insights to fundraisers in the Sports and Recreation sector.


Insights 1 | Advice for Churches and Cathedrals

Gifted Insights For Fundraisers In Churches & Cathedrals Sector

Director, Andrew Day offers some Gifted Insights for fundraisers in the Churches and Cathedrals sector.


It’s good to know you’re not alone

Free Online Conversation With Directors

Get in touch and ask for a free, heads together, online conversation with one of our Directors.