Client news

The National Archives

The National Archives is the guardian of some of our greatest heritage treasures and a world leader in the preservation and conservation of archive material.

The National Archives 

 The National Archives is the guardian of some of our greatest heritage treasures and a world leader in the preservation and conservation of archive material. As custodian of such symbolic and diverse artefacts as The Doomsday Book, The Magna Carta, The Treaty of Versailles, Shakespeare's Will, Guy Fawkes' Confession and the Coronation Oath of Elizabeth II, its position is unique amongst our national institutions. 

The National Archives has an ambitious plan to engage more deeply with the public and has put together a £12 million project which it is hoped will win HLF approval. The success of this venture will depend on partnership funding, raised philanthropically with the help of professional advisers. Gifted has been engaged to conduct a feasibility study on behalf of the National Archives which will establish if fundraising is possible.  We are absolutely delighted to have been appointed to guide this hugely significant organisation towards a successful fundraising campaign.

If you are planning a major capital campaign and need specialist advice on testingthe feasibility of your plans, please contact our Directors for an informal discussion.