
Gifted Talks Fundraising

In Episode 3, Amy, Andrew and Chris guide you through the creation of a proactive legacy giving programme.

Gifted Directors Amy Stevens, Andrew Day and Chris Goldie share their extensive fundraising experience, reflecting on current challenges and emerging opportunities across the Third Sector.

Episode 3 | How to create a proactive legacy giving programme

In this episode, the team dive into Amy's favourite topic - legacy giving. They explore the common myths and latest stats, including:

  • Today, 78% of UK wealth is held by 'baby boomers', with as much as £5b forecast to be given away by 2050
  • Short-termism in fundraising planning and how putting off a proactive legacy campaign could cost you many future major gifts.
  • These are the most unforgettable people you may never have met.

So, if you’re keen to build your confidence around making the most life affirming of fundraising asks, you can now watch or listen to Episode 3.

Coming up

Episode 4 of Gifted Talks Fundraising goes live in December and examines the methodology behind evaluating projects, planning ‘asks’ and ensuring everyone is approached in the right way, by the right person, at the right time.

You can also get in touch with us directly to ask fundraising questions or share ideas for future episodes that you’d like to see covered.