Winning Campaigns
Beginning a fundraising programme can be a daunting task. The key to success lies in creating an effective partnership between volunteer leaders and campaign management. When you harness the power and passion of volunteer givers - matching leadership strength with a professional focus on what really matters - challenging targets turn into winning campaigns.
To do something remarkable, someone has to stand up and commit to making it happen, giving confidence to others and setting-out a clear direction of travel. It’s a quality that often emerges during the fundraising feasibility study when leadership gifts are declared, in the hope that others will feel equally inspired to get behind the cause. Just recently, a study interviewee did exactly this, pledging a six-figure sum to an ambitious school development project and sending ripples of positive vibrations to other potential stakeholders. We know that success depends not so much on extensive databases and award-winning promotional material, but on great leaders who actively engage with others and put their heart and souls into building an enthusiastic team of volunteer askers.
Keeping sight of what’s ‘important’, not just ‘urgent’
Not all professional fundraisers are campaign managers. The ability to oversee the day-to-day conduct of a capital campaign is a complex skill-set that’s usually developed over many years and not necessarily in the same part of the Third Sector. An experienced campaign manager will be a solid partner, capable of working through the ups and downs and bringing clarity to the myriad issues that can surface during a capital fundraising project.
Gifted’s Amy Stevens, believes the time she spent running campaigns has been vital to the chemistry that’s shared with the Dippy North West team at Link4Life in Rochdale. “Achieving HLF success and attracting substantial major giving for the regional Dippy on Tour project, is the culmination of a fantastic fundraising story and a commitment to staying focused on what’s really important.”
If your organisation is planning to deliver a project or programme that would benefit from professional campaign management, please get in touch and ask to speak to one of our directors.