Gifted Asking

Order your copy of our latest fundraising guide – free to UK charities (plus P&P)

Decades of experience in major gifts fundraising has taught us the importance of highly effective peer-to-peer asking. If properly briefed and supported, we’ve learnt that someone who makes a thoughtful and proportionately generous gift is a more effective asker than the very best professional fundraiser.

This book shares advice about how best to equip volunteer and charity leaders with the skills they need to ask for impactful, major gifts.

The five steps to successful asking

Talking about money is one of the last taboos, and the fear of often plays heavy in the minds of those leading fundraising campaigns. We’ve seen seasoned business CEOs fall apart at the thought of asking for a donation and, conversely, witnessed shy and introverted individuals excel at securing substantial gifts. There are no hard and fast rules about how to ask effectively, but the insights we share over 80 pages, offer a practical guide to achieving fundraising results. This includes a closer look at the five steps to successful asking, along with practical tools to support the process.

“An essential practical guide to successfully asking for gifts at the levels needed to reach target. This pocket-sized gem steps you through the asking process with helpful tips, useful resources, and real-life case studies.”
Lucy Lunt, Director of Development and Alumni Relations, Solihull School

“Brilliant advice for getting all the team asking and securing major gifts. A booklet that squarely tackles the challenge of asking for the right amount of money, without causing offence, while strengthening relationships with major givers.”
Rachael Church, Director of Philanthropy, The London Clinic

Price: Book is free to UK charities plus £5 postage charge for UK, £10 overseas.
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