Gifted Fundraising
Order your copy of Gifted fundraising - £17.50 (plus P&P)
The 216 page book is designed to be a practical guide for Third Sector fundraisers who are seeking to transform donations into meaningful gifts. It’s been written as a collaborative perspective by our founding directors, who share decades of experience and together see transformational philanthropy as our life’s work.
The advice is drawn from the partnerships we’ve shared with remarkable people, doing extraordinary things in the very different communities they serve. In many ways, it’s a humbling tribute to all that they’ve taught us and a testament to our belief that anyone can be a philanthropist.
The Third Sector is facing interesting times. New regulations, economic uncertainty and a shifting political landscape invite many well-rehearsed reasons not to go out and raise money. Yet significant opportunities clearly exist to advance worthwhile plans, if the will can be found to address the fundraising conundrum.
Our experience is that being a professional fundraiser today is more challenging, relevant and exciting than it’s ever been. We hope this book demonstrates why the business of philanthropy is so important and provides the advice you need to take the next, confident step in your fundraising journey.